List of one-time Futurama characters

The following that are listed here are characters that have so far appeared only once in Futurama.


Dr. Widnar

Dr. Widnar is a naturalist from the Robot Planetoid, who was created by the Professor in August 3010. She discovered the amazing, non-mechanical man, Homo Farnsworth.

A fully evolved, sentient, humanlike robot scientist, Dr. Widnar theorized carbon-based lifeforms could exist, but until the day she met the Planet Express crew, she never had any proof. She took them to the Museum of Natural Robo-History, where the Professor gave a speech. However, when he revealed that he invented the Nanobots in the first place, the Doctor felt disappointed, and left the building. She probably went to another planet.

Her name is an anagram of Darwin, a reference to Charles Darwin, she may be a reference to Jane Goodall. It is unknown whether she evolved like the others robot on the planetoid or not since she left.

Chief O'Mannahan

Chief O'Mannahan is the police chief of the New New York Police Department. She was Philip J. Fry's employer in "Law and Oracle". She is revealed to be in a robosexual relationship with URL. When Fry first joined the police department, she was apparently pregnant, as she later gives birth to a daughter in the station's women's bathroom.

Her name rhymes with that of her predecessor (Colleen O'Hallahan).


The Colonel is a frog-like mutant who lived in the sewers before the mutant rights of September 3010 - his current occupation is unknown.

Even for being a mutant, the Colonel looks only slightly like a human. He looks like a human-size six-eyed frog, with a long, strong tongue he can use as a hand. He wears a beaten down colonel uniform, which alongside his nickname suggest he was a colonel before being banished to the sewers.


Relatives that keep dying out in their debut episode and are mostly voiced by Phil Hendrie. Among the Waterfalls are:

Free Waterfall, Jr.

Free Waterfall, Jr. was the son of Free Waterfall, Sr. and the head of the Mankind for Ethical Animal Treatment (M.E.A.T.). He was a known "anti-eating activist".

Together with his organization, Free Waterfall, Jr. fought against Fishy Joe's's product of popplers. Together with "Fishy" Joseph Gilman and Turanga Leela, he debated on Date Night. Despite Leela's agreeing with him that it was wrong to eat popplers, she didn't buy his argument that it was incorrect to eat other animals. He even threatened to boycott Fishy Joe's, obviously in vain, as his organization wouldn't have visited it anyway.

As the Omicronians were about to consume the substitute for Leela, Free Waterfall, Jr. interrupted by pointing out that it was not Leela, but an orangutan. Lrrr was not pleased with his attempt to take over the show and consumed him. Given Lrrr's reaction to eating him, Free Waterfall, Jr. might have been under the influence.

Free Waterfall, Sr.

Free Waterfall, Sr. was the father of Free Waterfall, Jr. and the son of Old Man Waterfall, he was the head of Penguins Unlimited. He fought against having a tanker filled with dark matter flown past Pluto, which had been turned into a penguin reserve.

When the tanker's captain dumped the entire load of dark matter onto the penguin reserve, it appeared that the dark matter was nature's "love drug" according to Free Waterfall, Sr., whom had discovered that dark matter made the penguins extra fertile.

To avoid overpopulation of the penguins, he initiated penguin hunting season as an effort to lower the population, much to the dismay of Turanga Leela, whom thought she had found some sanity in his organization's humanitarian efforts. Free Waterfall, Sr. met his end when he was pecked to death by penguins when Bender led them to war.

Old Man Waterfall

Old Man Waterfall was a lawyer and the great-grandfather of Frida Waterfall. He fought in countless wars, and before his death, was entirely put together with artificial substitutes, as he had lost most of his real body parts throughout the galaxy.

He was a strong patriot of Earth, but as much as he loved the flag, he strongly believed that Dr. Zoidberg's eating of the flag was protected by the rights of the people who salute the flag. He was Dr. Zoidberg's lawyer against Earth, represented by Hyper-Chicken. He was crushed to death.

On many levels he was the most sane member of the Waterfall family, although he did hold some beliefs that were unorthodox even by his family's standards - he was a polygamist, a satanist, and a bisexual.

Frida Waterfall

Frida Waterfall is the great-granddaughter of Old Man Waterfall and the sister of Hutch Waterfall. She first appeared briefly in the episode A Taste Of Freedom, mourning her great-grandfather who was crushed by the Mobile Oppression Palace. She then appeared in Into The Wild Green Yonder where she led the eco-feminist group, the Feministas, in order to protest violations against nature. However, despite her protests, she never actually meant for her group to have any effect, but after the accidental killing of the vice president, Spiro Agnew, the group became more focused on sabotage, and installed Turanga Leela as its leader, though Frida remained communications director.

Her job as communications director was even satirized by Leela because of her constant awful feminine puns on common words or phrases. Frida met her end when she was attacked and killed by a Dark One after considering the message she was to tell Leela from Fry.

Hutch Waterfall

Hutch Waterfall was the brother of Frida Waterfall and great-grandson of Old Man Waterfall. He was a mind reader and a member of the Legion of Mad Fellows, prominent for his right hand position to the Number 9 Man.

He helped Fry to find out the truth about the Violet Dwarf Star and the Dark Ones, and gave him a tinfoil hat to help him control his new-found mind-reading powers resulting from a piece of Frida's jewellery becoming lodged in his brain. However, at the final scene against the Dark Ones and the Encyclopods, Hutch was the last victim of the last Dark One, the same creature which killed his sister. With his dying strength, though, Hutch removed Frida's jewellery from Fry's brain, taking his mind-reading powers with it.

Bender's Big Score

Lars Fillmore

Lars Fillmore (voiced by Billy West) is a character in Bender's Big Score. Lars is an employee at the Head Museum, who begins a relationship with Leela, much to Fry's jealousy. Lars and Leela eventually get engaged, during the great depression caused by Nudar and the Scammer aliens. Just as they're about to be wedded, Hermes' time-paradox body is destroyed by a falling chandelier at the church and Professor Farnsworth states that all time-paradox doubles are doomed to die. A shocked Lars suddenly calls off the wedding for dubious reasons, greatly upsetting Leela. Towards the conclusion of the film, Fry invites Leela and Lars to reconcile at the cryogenics lab, where Lars insists that it was necessary for him to call off the wedding for reasons he feels he cannot explain to them. Nudar appears, having survived a doomsday device explosion, and holds Lars at gunpoint demanding the time-code, the secret to time travel that is located as a tattoo on Fry's buttocks. Lars unfreezes a time-paradox duplicate of Bender that was frozen midway through his self-destruct sequence back in the year 2000, and tackles both Bender and Nudar to the floor, the resulting explosion killing all three of them. Leela and Fry examine Lars' corpse and discovers that he has the same tattoo on his buttocks.

In Lars' video will he explains that he is actually a time-paradox duplicate of Fry, who attempted to escape being killed by Nudar by time-traveling back to 1999 and became a paradox when the original Fry traveled back from an hour later to get free pizza that was still warm. This version of Fry befriended a narwhal, which was later set free, and set out on a journey to recapture her, only to release her after realizing her needs outweighed his own. Upon arriving back home in 2012, a virus-infected Bender destroys Fry's apartment, and assumes that Fry was destroyed in the explosion. Fry survives the inferno, but his hair burns off and his larynx is damaged, rendering him bald and deepening his voice. Excited at the realization that he is Lars, he returns to the year 3000 by hiding in the cryogenics tube of his ex-girlfriend Michelle, and unfreezes several years before meeting Leela. When Lars discovered that he was doomed to die as a result of being a time-paradox duplicate, he called off the wedding so Leela wouldn't become distraught by his death.

The producers initially considered having a different voice actor do Lars' voice in order to keep viewers from guessing his true identity, but ultimately decided it would not make sense if anyone besides West did the voice.[1]

He is mentioned in the episode All the Presidents' Heads when Dr. Cahill Mistakes Fry for him.


Nudar (voiced by David Herman) is the main antagonist of Bender's Big Score. Nudar is the leader of a group of con artists from the Nude Beach Planet known as the Nudist Scammer Aliens, who utilise sending malicious spam emails in order to conduct identity fraud. As a result of one of their emails, Professor Farnsworth signs over the Planet Express business, giving complete ownership and control to Nudar. During this time, Nudar also takes control of Bender with a computer virus and discovers a tattoo on Fry's buttocks that contains a time code. The code creates a "Time Sphere" which allows a person to journey backwards in time. Utilising this portal, Nudar continuously sends Bender back through time to steal various riches and treasures for him. Nudar also orders Bender to steal a doomsday device from Professor Farnsworth. After obtaining "everything of value" on Earth, Nudar realizes that opening the time portal once again could destroy the universe, and decides that the time code needs to be destroyed. He orders Bender to kill Fry, who escapes to the year 2000. Bender follows Fry back in time, creating a time-paradox duplicate who is cryogenically frozen midway through an auto-destruct sequence, and ultimately destroying Fry's apartment. When Bender returns, Nudar deletes the stored time code and virus from Bender. Nudar and the Scammers evict the crew from Planet Express and later trick Richard Nixon into signing over the Earth, forcing all of humanity to move to other planets. The Earthicans, with the aid of Robot Santa, attack Nudar in a mass armada, doing battle with a fleet of golden Death Stars the Scammers had built with their riches to protect Earth. After losing the battle, Nudar threatens to destroy the Planet Express crew with the stolen doomsday device. Bender reveals that he secretly stole the device back from Nudar after being released from the Scammers' control, and launches the device at the Scammers' ship, causing a nuclear explosion. Later, at the cryogenics lab, Nudar reveals that he survived the explosion because he was wearing a "doom-proof" shirt. He holds Fry, Leela and Lars Fillmore at gunpoint, demanding the time code. However Lars unfreezes the time-paradox duplicate of Bender, and tackles both Bender and Nudar to the ground, with the Bender's self-destruction explosion killing all three of them.


Schlump (voiced by Maurice LaMarche) is a member of the Nudist Scammer Aliens. He was killed in the Battle for Earth 3007.


Fleb (voiced by Frank Welker) is a member of the Nudist Scammer Aliens. He was killed in the Battle for Earth 3007.

The Beast with a Billion Backs

Colleen O'Hallahan

Colleen O'Hallahan (voiced by Brittany Murphy) is Fry's love interest in The Beast with a Billion Backs. During the film she is dating Fry around the same time Amy and Kif decide to get married. According to Dr. Zoidberg, Fry and Colleen met while gazing in awe and fear at the recently opened anomaly in space. Fry quickly moves in with her, but soon breaks up with her after he learns that she lives with four other boyfriends and finds that he is unable to live with them. She is promoted to Chief of Police and is ordered to violently restrain Farnsworth and Wernstrom when they protest Zapp Brannigan's military assault of the anomaly. She is seen at the film's climax when Bender tries to close the space-time anomaly through which Yivo entered the universe. When Yivo surrenders and prepares to go back to the other universe alone, Colleen volunteers to go along, having found a kindred spirit in Yivo, bonding over their mutual polyamory.


Yivo (voiced by David Cross) is the main antagonist of The Beast with a Billion Backs: Part 3. Yivo is a hermaphrodite, and so asks to be referred to as "shglee" or "shgler", rather than he or she. Yivo is a large planet shaped creature with one eye and many tentacles, with the power of creation. Yivo proclaims to be the vision of Heaven, having sent images of itself to artists throughout the ages, as well as images of supposed angels which Yivo reveals are merely birds that eat its dead skin.

Yivo lives in an alternate universe which becomes accessible by a space-time anomaly, which was unintentionally ripped open by Bender at the conclusion of the previous film. Yivo streams billions of tentacles into the Futurama universe, and attaches them to almost everyone, who then become enamoured with the creature. As more and more people are possessed, a universe-wide religion is created to worship Yivo, with Fry as its pope. Leela, the only one who manages to avoid being possessed, discovers and reveals to the worshipping masses that the tentacles are in fact sexual organs. Shamed after having its plan to mate with the entire population of the universe exposed, Yivo reveals that it is simply very lonely, being the sole inhabitant of its own universe. To make amends Yivo removes the tentacles and goes on a date with every single living being, then proposes marriage and requests they all move into the alternate universe. Every living being (except Leela) accepts, but as Yivo and its universe are made of electro-matter, robots and other electrical devices cannot enter through the anomaly. The robots are left behind, and everyone who moved in with Yivo promises to not make contact with other universes.

At the film's climax, everybody is blissfully living with Yivo when Bender invades with a robot army, hauling Yivo through the anomaly in order to do battle. Yivo notices that Bender's weapons are lined with electro-matter from a letter from Fry, and realizes that Fry broke his promise not to contact other universes. Heartbroken by Fry's betrayal, Yivo breaks up with everyone in the universe, except for Colleen, who Yivo claims is the only being who understands it. Yivo retreats to its own universe, and seals the anomaly forever.

Into the Wild Green Yonder

The Eco-Feministas

The Eco-Feministas are a group of female feminists, led by Frida Waterfall, who fight for women's rights and the environment in Into the Wild Green Yonder. Other members include Dixie and Trixie who are stereotypically girly girls. Leela joins the group after Leo Wong tries to ruin the Violet Dwarf Star to make way for the largest mini-golf course in the universe. After realizing the amount of sexism against them, Amy, Labarbara, Petunia and Linda join the group. Frida is murdered shortly after by The Dark Ones when trying to remember to deliver a message by Fry. They make many controversial stands, including accidentally killing the headless body of vice president Agnew, until they are caught by Zapp Branigan and arrested. Bender helps to break them out primarily to keep his crime record ahead of Leela's and they end up stopping the explosion on the Violet Dwarf Star.

The Legion of Mad Fellows

The Legion are a secret society of tinfoil-wearing telepaths. Only two of its members are named: Hutch Waterfall, the long lost brother of Frida Waterfall and grandson of Old Man Waterfall, and the Grand Curator, a recurring background character from throughout the series who wears a robe with the number 9 on it (commonly simply called the "No. 9 Guy"). They give Fry a mission to stop Leo Wong and the Dark Ones from destroying a violet dwarf star, which is really the last Encyclopod egg, to ensure a new Green Age.

Dark Ones

The Dark Ones are introduced as a malevolent species devoted to the destruction of all life, and attempt to prevent the Legion of Mad Fellows from protecting the last Encyclopod egg. At the end of the film, it is revealed that the Martian muck leech Leela saved at the beginning of the film is the last Dark One, the others having been killed by Leo Wong's construction of New Vegas. It is temporarily disabled by Fry, killed by the Encyclopod, and eaten by Dr. Zoidberg.


Fanny (voiced by Tress MacNeille) is the Donbot's wife. She is an erotic dancer and the headline act of an erotic performance held at the Wong Hotel and Casino. Upon meeting Bender, she immediately begins an affair with him, but arouses Donbot's suspicion. Fanny and Bender secretly devise a plan to run away together, but first enter a poker tournament to obtain more money. Bender ultimately wins the contest, after Fanny saws off the Donbot's lucky foot to provide Bender with more luck. After Bender throws the severed foot at Donbot, he becomes convinced of Fanny and Bender's affair and forces them to dig their own graves before shooting them, as a warning. Then next morning, Bender and Fanny emerge from underground, and she is picked up by the Donbot. Fanny asks if she will see Bender later, to which he replies "probably not". Fanny's image was shown next to Donbot in the episode "Proposition Infinity" when Bender was stating that "fembots" and "manbots" can get married. Making her a "two-time character". She also reappeared in "Silence of the Clamps".

The Encyclopods

The Encyclopods are a once extinct species devoted to the preservation of the DNA of all endangered life forms and the recreation of species from its collection, which resemble giant manta rays with continents and oceans on their back, on and in which the species from their collections live. In essence, they are living nature reserves. Their last egg, a violet dwarf star, is the focus of Into the Wild Green Yonder. Leo Wong planned to destroy the egg as part of his plan to build the universe's largest miniature golf course (although he was unaware of its true nature). Thanks to the interference of a group of eco-feminists led by Leela and Fry's sabotage, the Encyclopod was safely "fertilized" by a life-covered asteroid irradiated with the mysterious Qi, rapidly developed into an adult Encyclopod, and brought back several long extinct species with it. Soon after being born, it destroys the last of the Dark Ones after it attacks Hutch Waterfall with a fatal blow. While showing disdain with having to preserve its DNA, after seeing that Zoidberg ate it the Encyclopod quickly dismisses the incident while preserving the DNA of human beings from Hutch's corpse. It (as it is never explicitly stated if it even has a gender) soon flies off, not answering Fry's statement of "I thought you only preserve the DNA of endangered species."


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  1. ^ This is mentioned on the DVD commentary of Bender's Big Score.